
Beyond Reading: AI Transforming Access to Literary Knowledge

 Envision a future where the boundary between artificial intelligence and literature becomes permeable. With recent advancements in customizable  OpenAI GPTs , we are already witnessing the beginning of this revolution. But what if we could go a step further? Imagine a plugin that enables direct integration of GPT with your  Kindle library . Although this technology does not yet exist, the possibilities it opens are vast and thrilling. Public domain works by philosophers like Plato are already accessible for integration with these AI models. However, many modern analyses and translations are copyrighted. A  plugin  connecting GPT to your Kindle library would offer direct and legal access to these materials. This not only respects copyright laws but also enriches the educational experience, allowing AI to analyze and discuss these contemporary interpretations. Imagine the convenience of asking your customized GPT to analyze a specific concept in a work by Plato, ...

New Bots on the Block: The Dawn of Humanoids in Construction

In the construction world, the rise of robots is becoming increasingly significant. Not only are they being incorporated to enhance productivity and efficiency, but they also bring safety to workers and integrate processes in construction management. The use of semi-automatic robots for tasks such as bricklaying is already observable, with one model capable of laying thousands of bricks a day . Moreover, the world's first wall painting robot promises to be ten times faster and much more precise, potentially reducing labor costs in painting by up to 80%. Looking ahead, the Chinese government has unveiled ambitious plans to mass-produce humanoid robots by 2025 , with predictions that these machines will be as disruptive as smartphones, set to "reshape the world". These robots are expected to reach an advanced level and become as transformative as computers, smartphones, and vehicles powered by new types of energy. Chinese companies, like Fourier Intelligence , are gearing ...

Ultrasound and Augmented Reality: A New Dimension in Prenatal Observation

 In 1949, a monumental leap in diagnostic medicine was achieved by Dr. Douglas Howry and Dr. Dorothy Howry with the creation of the first-ever ultrasound device. This breakthrough not only revolutionized diagnostic medicine but also opened new vistas for observing unborn babies. More than seventy years later, as I accompany my wife to her obstetric appointments, I am constantly in awe of the advancements in ultrasonography. The ability to see my children developing is a grace I attribute to human ingenuity and our relentless pursuit of progress. Equipment like Samsung’s Hera W10 Elite stands at the forefront of this evolution, providing images with a richness of detail previously unimaginable. As an enthusiast for augmented reality (AR) and mixed reality (MR) technologies, I see an even greater potential when these intersect with the healthcare field. The promise of these technologies is aptly demonstrated by the Microsoft Hololens 2 , a tool that could transform how we interact w...

Ionized Crystals, Lasers, and Sound Waves: The Dawn of a New Energy Era

In the late 1990s, a game named StarCraft took the world by storm. I fondly remember those hours spent strategizing with friends, navigating interstellar battles between three distinct races: the humans, the organic alien Zergs, and the technologically advanced Protoss. One particular element of the game always piqued my curiosity: the Protoss Pylon . Resembling a crystal, this central structure powered all other Protoss constructions. Drawing a parallel to reality, piezoelectric crystals, like the quartz crystals popularized in the 1970s for timekeeping, have long been a topic of fascination. With humanity's relentless pursuit of sustainable and renewable energy sources, might the Pylons of StarCraft offer a hint of what's to come? Crystals, with their meticulously ordered three-dimensional structures, possess unique electrical and mechanical properties. Recent advancements have delved into the capabilities of ionized crystals to both store and convert energy. Imagine a world...

Bridging Ancient Memory Palaces with Cutting-Edge Tech

A few years ago, after being inspired by a video from the USA Memory Championship, I delved into understanding whether exceptional memorization skills were innate or could be developed. It was then that I came across the book "Moonwalking with Einstein" (2006) by Joshua Foer, which introduced me to the ancient technique of Memory Palaces. Later on, I discovered a book titled "How to Take Smart Notes" by Sönke Ahrens. In it, Ahrens presents a systematic note-taking process to optimize the assimilation of learned concepts and brainstorm various ideas transformed into notes. The author's blog  features a section called "The Tools" where he lists software to automate this note-taking process, known as "Zettelkasten" in German. Among them is Obsidian . This tool allows notes taken from any dialogue, book, dream, etc., to be categorized and indexed for future use, even if you can't recall the specifics. I stumbled upon an Obsidian plugin integ...

A Voyage of Technological Exploration

 Dear readers, I warmly welcome you to the inception of WittyHarbor, an arena birthed from a blend of earnest enthusiasm and years of reflective contemplation. As a haven of insightful technological discourse, WittyHarbor aims to be a bustling marketplace of ideas, where the seeds of innovation find a fertile ground to sprout, flourish, and eventually blossom into ventures of tangible impact. Over the years, as my professional engagement in engineering blended with my passion for understanding the societal metamorphoses induced by technology, a repository of ideas gradually coalesced. The kernel of inspiration to share these musings and engage in insightful dialogues with like-minded individuals and communities blossomed, thus sowing the seeds for WittyHarbor. The kernel of this endeavor is to nurture a robust discourse around the nascent ideas that have long been simmering in my thoughts. Some of these ideations bear the promise of not merely reshaping our digital landscape but al...